Articles,  Emotional Healing

Let It Go Before It Destroys You

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 KJV

If your like me and love to watch all kinds of different movies than hopefully you will understand how I ended up watching this movie. Before I get into the movie and the details of it, I would like to first ask you a question?

How hard has it been for you to let go of something that was hurting you so much? Would you say it’s been easy to let go of something that caused you great pain, such as betrayal, divorce, or abuse? What about something that you have struggled with all your life that you know hurts you deeply but you just can’t seem to move past that deep rooted hurt?

I believe that there are many people out there including myself that are carrying deep wounds that they still are holding on to but just can’t seem to let it go in order for them to heal. Which leads me to the movie I watched.

I watched this movie called, “The Cleanse” and it was actually a very interesting movie, especially for me since I was able to view the movie from a spiritual perspective. The movie is about a man who’s name is Paul (if you watch the “Big Bang Theory” you will recognize the actor) and how he decides to go to a retreat in where he will need to participate in a detox cleansing program as part of the process to find healing for the pain he experienced after his breakup with his fiancĂ©. Paul goes on this retreat after being interviewed and answering some questions and finds himself with 3 other people who joined the program. In order for him to complete the program and find healing for his emotional pain, he must drink a special detox juice that was made specifically for him based off of the pain or hurt he was carrying, so each person was given different detox drinks.

Paul drank all his juices and at the end of the night he began to release all the junk he was carrying by vomiting it out into the sink (yeah I know gross). The next day a noise draws his attention underneath the sink, he finds that the sink pipe was filled with some gunk that he released on to the floor after cleaning out the sink pipe. Paul stares at this blob on the floor, the blob suddenly starts to take form until it turns into a cute small little creature. In shock, he picks up the weird looking creature and realizes that this small creature was what he vomited. It was a manifestation of what he had released from his body after he drank the detox. Everyday this small cute little monster got bigger and bigger. The time at the retreat comes to an end and Paul must now meet with the creator of the program.

Paul is told that he must destroy this cute little creature before it gets bigger. Only problem was that he couldn’t let it go, he sympathized with it and was drawn to it, it was a part of him. It was either he destroyed it by throwing it in the fire or allow it grow into the large monster it was going to become. At the end he kills the cute little creature that became a hideous ugly monster. (There is more to the movie but I don’t want to give away all the details.) Paul ended up killing the creature, as much as it hurt him to destroy it, he killed it and the moment it died he felt free. What Paul destroyed was the hurt of his broken heart. That monster was a representation of the hurt of his wounded heart.

Like Paul, how many of us continue to hold on to something to the point that it starts to destroy us? How many of us are holding on to some type of pain, trauma, hurt, or offense? Like the little cute creature in the movie, the wounds that we carry start off small, without us realizing that the small wounds we carry feed off of other incidents that will cause these small wounds to become bigger and bigger wounds. Before you realize it that small seed of bitterness or unforgiveness becomes a huge stronghold in your life that controls and overpowers you. If you don’t let it go and release it to God, that deep hurt or deep wound will be used as a weapon from the enemy to destroy you.

The enemy wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and cheat you out of Gods promises for your life. The enemy will cause those small wounds of hurt to get bigger and bigger. Many of us have been wounded since we were children and we have held on to the pain for so long that it has already become a part of us. That deep hurt is now a huge monster in your life that dictates how you think, how you feel, how you live your life, and even how you treat others. When we begin the process of allowing God through the power of the Holy Spirit to visit the deep wounds of our soul and when the time comes for us to confront the monsters (demons) in our soul it becomes so hard to surrender what has been hurting us for so long. It becomes difficult to give and release the deep hurt to God that wants to take it from us and destroy it. We want to hold on to the pain because we have gotten so comfortable with it. The pain that we hide behind is used as a way to justify why we are victims and why we would should not let it go. The pain becomes our identity.

I have been through many years of pruning, and refining as I draw closer to God, I have found myself many times holding on to deep hurt that I just couldn’t let go of. The deep wounds in my soul were rooted years ago, and the enemy knew how to keep adding more hurt into my life so that the pain can get bigger and rooted deeper. The process and the journey of trusting God to take the pain away came in layers and much difficulty. But the more I surrendered the more at peace I was. Like Paul, once the monster (betrayal, trauma, offense, unforgiveness), whatever the monster represents in your life is destroyed, you will feel the release and peace of God come over you. Jesus died so that we can be free from all that the enemy uses to destroy us.

Forgiving those who hurt us, surrendering the pain of what was done to us allows God to fill those areas of pain with His unconditional love. I know that it will not be easy to let go of something that has hurt so deeply. Once we do, we can finally embrace the actual true freedom that comes from our heavenly Father. Surrender and lay at the feet of Jesus. Let Him heal you, and allow God to destroy that hurt once and for all. You deserve to be free, we all do. Get cleansed and let the Holy Spirit detox your soul from all the wounds, it will be worth it.

Daughter of God on an amazing journey with Jesus to walk in the purpose and destiny that He has for me.
