Emotional Healing

The Father to the Fatherless

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows–this is God, whose dwelling is holy. Psalms 68:5

As many of us know Fathers Day came as quickly as it went. To all the Fathers reading this post, Happy Fathers Day and I pray that you were filled with love, honor, and appreciation.

As I spent Fathers Day with my own dad and husband, all I can do is be thankful to God for all the men He placed in my life, including my stepdad as well. Once the day winded down I took some time to browse through Facebook and see all the shot outs that were made to all the “Good Fathers” out there. After some time alone in my room, I was reflecting back on the Pastors message I heard during Sunday Service. He discussed that in order for us to experience revival it begins in our homes. We need to begin reverencing God and start establishing morals, and values into our homes. I agree 100 percent with everything God placed in his heart to deliver to the body of Christ.

During my quiet time with God, God helped me to see certain Fathers in a different light and I am talking about the fathers that have been called, “Dead beat Dads.” We have been (and I include myself when I say this) quick to judge the dead beat dads all because they chose to abandon their children and leave the fathering to the woman they had children with. Unfortunately, we live in a world in where sin has taken root in all our lives, going all the way back to the days of Adam. It is without a doubt that Satan is out to destroy our homes, marriages, children, and relationship with God. The enemy will begin within the four walls of your home. The enemy will also ruin your relationship with your own father or spouse to change your view on who God is. Our relationships with our dads will cause us to see how we see our Heavenly Father. For example, if our dads or spouses leave us than we will have the perception that God will never be there for us when tough times occur. So who is a good target? The Head of the Household, our men, our husbands, and our fathers. The enemy knows that if he can remove the father from the home or attack the men in the weak areas they carry with pornography, drugs, woman, and greed than he can destroy the family unit and cause division in all homes. 

Before I go any further, I am not excusing what many fathers have done when they leave their children behind or mistreat them. What I will share is my own personal revelation of what God has opened my understanding to, when it comes to broken fathers.

In my post, “Daddy’s Little Girl” I discuss my relationship with my own dad. I had to see my dad through the eyes of brokenness and not as the dad who struggled to be there for me. After learning a little bit about my dads childhood I realized that my dad struggles to show love because he as child may have not been shown how to love.

Keep in mind, our children are a reflection of who we are. They follow all our footsteps. They pick our good ways and our not so good ways and if we are not careful with certain bad behaviors that we have,then our children will pick up the same bad behaviors and carry them to their adult years and into their own marriages as well.

You may know a father who had a very strict and abusive dad of his own, or a father who grew up with an alcoholic father who drank and became abusive and controlling. There are fathers out there who were molested as children and carry that guilt and shame all the way until they had their own children. There are many fatherless fathers right now who did not have any fatherly example to teach them how to be a dad. Maybe you know a husband or spouse who did have a father in the house but the father worked and worked to provide for his family that he was absent all though he was under the same roof. Some of us had fathers in our homes all our lives but these fathers were not loving or affectionate because maybe their own parents were not loving and affectionate with them as a child. There are many reasons why many fathers out there struggle, we just have to ask God our heavenly father, to show us what is the cause to the reasons why so many dads out there are choosing to just abandon and leave their children without caring or showing remorse. There are many other fathers who were orphaned due to their fathers dying from sickeness, accidental deaths, or even by taking their own lives. There are so many ways the enemy attacks these dads. 

So in this post I want to pray and speak life to those fathers who have a dark past in which we have no idea about. I pray that God will be the father they never had, that Jesus will remove all hurt, pain and trauma from the past. May God begin to raise up men of God to defeat the enemy and his attacks against our homes, children, and marriages. That in the name of Jesus all theses fatherless fathers will find a father in Jesus. That their identities will be found in Christ Jesus and not in the mistakes or failures of their past. I pray that God will lead these men into the path of righteousness so that the next generation that follows will be blessed. May God break the bondages of sin over these men’s lives. I pray for every broken father out there who chose to leave their children for whatever reason, that they may find forgiveness, repent, and not give up on their children, may they realize that it’s never too late to build a relationship with the children they left behind. God is a God of new beginnings, restoration, and a God of many chances. 

To all the moms and wives if the father of your children or even your own father is no longer in the picture. Pray for them, don’t bash them to your children, don’t allow seeds of pain be planted in their hearts because of what these men chose to do to you and their children. Forgive them and pray for them, it is the best thing you can do for your children. Forgiveness is not for them, it’s for you. Let’s pray for these broken fathers and hope that God uses them to break the vicious cycle the enemy has planted in their lives to not only destroy their lives but the lives of the next generation. There are so many children joining gangs, selling drugs, and being killed at such a young age, a good majority come from fatherless homes or from homes that do not have positive male role models. Let’s fight in prayer for our fathers, husbands, brothers, and boys. God bless all the fathers out there. 

Great book recommendation is “God Distorted” by John Bishop. This book helps you to understand how your relationship with your dad effects your understanding and perception of our heavenly father. You can find it online at Amazon.com or Christianbooks.com

Daughter of God on an amazing journey with Jesus to walk in the purpose and destiny that He has for me.
