Articles,  Relationship

Embracing Change (A Metamorphosis Journey)

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].”

‭‭2 CORINTHIANS‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭AMP‬‬

What is actually a Metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis has several definitions, such as:

1- any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

2- a form resulting from any such change.

And can also be defined as the transformation of a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

A couple months ago I found a short article about Butterflies. After seeing a butterfly 3 times in one day I felt it impressed in my heart to just research butterflies. What I learned about butterflies was a beautiful but interesting description of what happens when a caterpillar enters its cocoon so that it can than emerge as the beautiful butterfly that it becomes. I read that the entire caterpillar breaks down inside the cocoon almost into like a soupy liquid form, so pretty much the entire caterpillar breaks down so that it can slowly rebuild itself back up. What I found interesting was that the heart also is broken down as part of the process.

As I read what happens inside the cocoon I couldn’t help but to relate. Even though I’m not turning into a soupy like mixture but the journey that I have been in on lately sure feels like I’m inside some cocoon. As I continue to get to know God more I realize that personal transformation sounds almost like the same process of the caterpillar. The changes that God helps us go through is not an easy process. Its very hard to embrace change when

#1. You don’t realize or know what areas need to change,

#2 When you don’t like change.

#3 When you don’t see the need to change. (For me it was known as Pride.) I thought,” Me change? For what? I’m perfectly fine.”

With God there is no staying the same, He makes all things new and I had to embrace change when everything I thought that was for me was slowly stripped away. A good paying job, your home, your family and marriage issues start surfacing and even your health starts acting up. For me, seeing my life get chaotic and frustrating pushed me towards God more. I didn’t know what to do, I was so disappointed at the things I was facing. Life was no longer going the way I expected it would go and I saw nothing wrong in the way I was living my life. Complacent! The truth is, you won’t change when you are comfortable.

I quickly learned that God has so much more in store for me and you than what we can even think or imagine. I believed the lie that this is it. Work, go home, cook, watch t.v, tend to the family and go to bed. That’s it! Life is good. Right? Well, not really. Don’t get me wrong I am in no way judging anyone who lives similar to this routine. Just know that there is more to life. A happy and joy filled life. I was missing out and God knew I was. Sometimes God allows us to be stripped of certain things or face certain trials because inside of each and everyone of us is something new. Something new that has been planted in us from the moment we’re formed in our mothers womb. In order to understand the purpose and the new we carry. We must seek Him for the answers and the revelation of what it is.

I didn’t know what that “new’ thing was? I was stuck on being complacent, living my life each day thinking that this it and there was no more to life than what I already had. In moments of loneliness and disappointment God began a work in me. He has begun to break down the old me and He is now rebuilding the new me. The process is not a quick and easy one. It becomes a journey of embracing change by letting go of the old mindsets, the false belief systems, and surrendering our broken hearts to embrace healed hearts. We have to learn to emerge from our cocoons (four walls) and embrace the beauty that comes from setting ourselves free from just living life in the same routine.

What will change look like?  It can look like many things, such as: Writing a book, going back to school, starting a ministry, starting a business, going on a missions trip, or just taking care of you!

For me change was letting go of what I can’t control and giving God the control to do what only He can do. God restores, rebuilds, heals, transforms, and makes impossible things possible.

I pray that today, you will ask God this one simple question? Father, search my heart and show me what changes I need to embrace?

You might be surprised at what He will do. Take the limitations off and emerge has the beautiful butterfly does when she is set free.

Daughter of God on an amazing journey with Jesus to walk in the purpose and destiny that He has for me.
